Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Royal wedding

Kate Middleton's Prince
As the Royal wedding approaches the Web is abuzz. An over privileged youth marry's a commoner who to be frank, stepped in shit. Prince William is set to Marry Kate Middleton, for the most part the girl next door if you live in super wealthy areas.. She will now be in the royal family who have been serving zero purpose in Great Britain for a half a century now. What does this mean for the rest of us? Absolutely nothing, yet Millions plan on watching the spectacle on TV. Some are even camping out on the streets of  London. We call these people Dipshits. To be Honest, Kate could do better.

NBC's The Voice Recap

I am not actually going to recap anything. These shows are all the same. Famous people who got a break in life telling other people whether or not they are worthy. Very pretentious. Why cant we go back to the days where human creativity spawned well written entertaining shows. Seems like Reality TV is for dim wits. But thats just my opinion. Lets not argue, lets stare at the image below of one of the shows stars.
NBC released these photos prior to the new show "The Voice" because they knew it would suck but wanted ratings.

Steve Jobs Frozen in Carbonite for new Iphone cover and the White Iphone 4! Holy Sh*t!

Well, all of you geeks, freaks and Star Wars fans can rejoice, the headline of the day is that there is a new Iphone cover that depicts Steve Jobs following in the steps of Han Solo and  frozen in Carbonite and they are releasing the famed White Iphone 4.. Seems to be a lot of buzz and excitement over this. I had a chance to speak with an apple consumer and huge Star Wars fan Clark Reynolds, When I asked about his level of excitement he said "Its Cool and all, I just cant wait until Apple adds a vagina to their products".

Well Said Clark, Well Said.
Clark Reynolds

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Marisa Miller Hosting X-Factor?

Just Jared Says: Marisa Miller is in talks to host the U.S. version of Simon Cowell’s X Factor!

The 32-year-old model has had multiple meetings with the producers about possibly hosting the show, sources
“She is a big contender in the running,” adds our source about Marisa, who’s currently the face of Harley Davidson, the NFL, and Captain Morgan.
The singing competition, which premieres later this fall, has already locked in music mogul L.A. Reid, who’ll be joining Simon at the judges table.
WOULD YOU LIKE to see Marisa hostThe X Factor?

Well, My thoughts are that all of these shows suck. Idol went down after Simon left because everyone loves watching an asshole be an asshole. So his show was looking up, until he decided to recruit Former/Current pill popping pop icon Paula Abdul to once again join him and entertain the world with her vivacious slurring synopsis of talentless singers. So My thoughts on Marisa Miller? 

Oh Yes, I likey.

Kristin Cavallari gets engaged

Kristin Cavallari went to Los Cabos this weekend and got engaged to less than stellar Chicago Bears quarterback Jay Cutler. I've never understood why gorgeous rich young women went for Athletes. Athletes have a shelf life no matter how good they are. Then there is Jay cutler who expired prior to the day he was drafted. It looks like Kristen will be the only one getting a ring in this relationship. Oh Damn you Kristen.